14 Mar 2025 | Clubs and Facilities |

North Queensland clubs on the road to recovery

by Patrick Taylor

Much of the Ingham course was underwater.

Golf clubs in North and Far North Queensland are slowly getting back on their feet after being hit with devasting major flooding across the last few weeks.

Hundreds of people were evacuated when floods ravaged towns in February, and many golf courses were left partly or completely underwater.

Ingham Golf Club, 110km north of Townsville, was among the clubs that were hit, with club president Grant Smith happy it is now back open for play.

"There were only five greens that were out of the water, so everything else was underwater," Smith said.

"It wasn't as bad as we first thought because with the water there, it made the ground hard, but because you couldn't get on it for so long, it makes it hard to mow.

"Then all the rubbish, what drifted out of people's houses came through, it was a little bit over 20 square metres of rubbish that we've picked up."


Photo: Just some of the rubbish that washed onto the course.

Further north in Gordonvale, similar damage to the course was suffered.

With the entire layout underwater, Gordonvale was forced to close for two weeks, with tricky terrain making the clean-up all the more difficult.

"Our course is half inside the local turf club and half of it goes out into the forest around that," said club secretary Allen McFarlane.

"Inside the turf club you could see a few greens poking out of the water, but out in the forest it was so mucky you couldn't take anything out there without tearing the course apart."

Both Gordonvale and Ingham relied heavily on the support on community-minded volunteers in the recovery, with many hands making the clean-up a successful endeavour.

"We had some real good volunteers which was amazing," Smith said.

"It took us a couple of days, but we got it all done.

"Ever since then, one of the volunteers is on the mower every day trying to keep up.

"It's just grown so fast and then if you miss it for a day, it grows up and it just makes a mess."

Ingham was also able to lend a helping hand back to the community in the peak of the floods, allowing Ergon Energy to set up a temporary base in the clubhouse.

"Our clubhouse is built up a bit, so we gave it to Ergon and they set up a disaster hub there," Smith said.

"They had 30 or 40 people using it as smoko room, toolboxes storage and they had all their cars parked there every night.

"A lot of our volunteers and members, they'd lost cars and houses and to give back to people who were helping us."


Photo: Ergon Energy making use of the clubhouse.

The recovery in the north of the state is still ongoing, and with more wet weather forecast in the coming weeks, clubs are bracing for more potential damage.

Disaster assistance recovery grants have been made available by the Queensland Government.

Affected clubs can tap into the expertise of Golf Australia's Grant Writing Assistance Program (GWAP) as they make their applications.

Golf Australia encourage clubs that need assistance to reach out to Clubs and Facilities Manager for the region Andrew Leventis: [email protected] / 0403 633 361.

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