Play 9 in 2024
Play 9 is back for 2024 and it is time to win a chance to attend the international final at The Open. The R&A and Golf Australia are giving you a chance to win your way to Scotland!
The competition for 2024 has closed. Congratulations to Sue Grenside and Warwick Bulter who have won our Play 9 competition for 2024.
You can play in as many nine-hole competition as you like, with each round counting as an entry into the competition.
To be eligible in the competition players must have a Golf Australia Handicap and a Golf Australia account, select the tick box to receive offers and promotions and abide to all the terms and conditions which you can find linked here.
Does our facility need to register to Play 9 in order to be involved? No. Golfers will automatically go in the draw to win once a 9-hole round is submitted to GolfLink within the qualifying period. Emails are sent each month to eligible golfers, giving them the chance to opt out of the competition if they wish.
Do clubs have to participate in Play 9?
No. Clubs run 9-hole competitions and submit conforming social scores at their own discretion.
Can 18 holes be submitted as two entries? No. The purpose of Play 9 is for clubs to specifically schedule 9-hole competitions and encourage people to play 9-holes. It is not possible to use 9-holes from an 18-hole round for Play 9.
Where can I play 9 holes? Any club or facility that runs public access competition play is an option for participants. Visit Golf Australia to find your nearest facilities.
Do I need to have an official GA handicap? Yes. Qualifiers must have an official GA handicap.
Information for clubs and facilities
An initiative of The R&A and Golf Australia, Play 9 is the perfect way for clubs and facilities to attract new golfers to the game, while keeping time-poor players coming back.
Golfers automatically qualify for the competition for every round that is submitted via GolfLink between 26 February - 29 April.
Promote Play 9 by accessing the marketing material available here.