Webinar library
Risk Management
Join Di Rawlings from Risk Management Essentials to discuss all things risk management. From how to identify key risks and mitigating them before relying on insurance, to discussing simple actions to ensuring compliance. This webinar also discusses some of the high level risks many golf clubs are facing. For more information on risk management visit www.golf.org.au/risk-management
17th December 2023
Non-Member Players Liability Insurance
This new insurance cover is designed to protect golfers for who are not affiliated with Golf Australia and don’t have access to the Golf Australia Personal Liability Insurance policy. In the event of a claim involving a guest, should the guest not have adequate cover, it is possible the club could be held partially responsible for damages. In conjunction with Golf Australia, Marsh have designed a solution allowing Clubs to purchase stand-alone cover for guest/green fee paying players. Join Cale Smith from Marsh Australia as he introduces this new product to the market.
Thursday 14th October 2021

A copy of the presentation which details the product can be downloaded HERE
Disaster Event Toolkit Launch
Join Damian Brown, Sports Management Consultant and Mitch Bligh, General Manager Townsville Golf Club as we present the Golf Club Disaster Management Tool. We will discuss the importance of being prepared for disaster events of any level. The webinar will overview a new toolkit of templates including a financial assessment tool.
Wednesday 29th September, 2021

You can find the Disaster Event Toolkit on the Club & Facility Support Portal under the facility management section.
SA Infrastructure Grants - What makes a successful grant application
Join Ashleigh Stratford, Clubs and Facilities Support Manager SA, as she discusses the latest round of Office of Recreation, Sport & Racing infrastructure grant funding. With eight successfully funded projects, you'll get good insight to the qualities of a successful project. Another round of funding has opened, so now if the time to start thinking about your major projects and begin working toward submitting an application.
Thursday 17th June, 2021

Careers in Golf Series - Career opportunities for women
Description - The series will highlight some key roles and career opportunities available to women within the golf industry. Learn about the experiences and pathways of females currently working in various roles through interactive Q&A sessions.
Hosted by Golf Management Australia - Roles within clubs & facilities; management, hospitality & events. Monday 24th May, 2021

Hosted by the PGA & WPGA - Roles in coaching & small business. Monday 17th May, 2021

Hosted by Golf Australia - Roles in sports administration; events, golf development, marketing & communications. Monday 10th May, 2021

Insurance - Essential club policies and what they cover
Tuesday 6th April, 2021
Hosts - Cale Smith, Sport Principle with Marsh Insurance and Matt Chesterman, Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager with Golf Australia
Description - Join Cale Smith and Matt Chesterman as they discuss all things golf club insurance. Cale will present on the various policies that golf clubs should have in place, and then they'll both discuss strategies to minimise a clubs financial exposure.

Pandemic golf – The membership opportunity
Tuesday 8th December, 2020
Hosts - Jeff Blunden, Director, Golf Business Advisory Services; Adrian Tobin, Founder, Kinlab; Ian James, Chief Executive Retail Tribe; GA’s Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager, Matt Chesterman
Description - Clubs and facilities across the country have seen record numbers of new participants and members gracing the fairways throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar, Jeff Blunden, Director of Golf Business Advisory Services and author of the both Golf Australia’s COVID-19 rounds & membership reports, will outline the changes in demographic and behaviour of participants in 2020. Following the report summary, Adrian Tobin from Kinlab, one of Australia’s leading sports management strategists, will outline the demographic profile of the new member. In closing, Ian James, Chief Executive of Retail Tribe, a PGA member engagement specialist, will talk you through developing a strategy that strengthens member & player retention.

Risk Management – Proactive Risk Management and its importance in Clubs
Thursday 3rd December, 2020
Hosts - Risk Management Essential’s CEO, Di Rawlings and GA’s Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager, Matt Chesterman
Description - In a world where legislation and regulation is more complex than ever, and insurance costs only set to rise in the foreseeable future, a sound risk management program in you club has never been more important. Di Rawlings and Paul Hands from Risk Management Essentials, expert risk consultants, will be on hand to explain the importance and how you can easily implement a strong program at your club, large or small.

Female engagement – Attracting Women & Girls into Golf
Thursday 29th October, 2020
Hosts - Chyloe Kurdas, Female Engagement Senior Manager, Golf Australia; Matt Chesterman Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager, Golf Australia
Description - Female membership in community golf clubs decreased from 34% to just 20% over the past 50 years – something that Golf Australia’s Vision 2025 strategy aims to address. Our Doing Sport Differently webinar will share best practice examples and frameworks on how your club can bring more women and girls to your club. Kiera Staley & Erica Randle from La Trobe University’s Centre for Sport & Social Impact will share their Doing Sport Differently framework, whilst clubs already on this journey will share some of their ideas and successes. Golf Australia’s own Female Engagement Manager (Victoria) Megan Carr will be on hand to share the support Golf Australia can provide to clubs keen to grow their female participation

Insurance – The challenges of the current insurance market for golf clubs
Friday 16th October, 2020
Hosts - Matt Chesterman Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager, Golf Australia; Maurice Gatto, Chief Commercial Officer, Marsh Pacific; Peter McCarthy, Executive Director, Edgewise Insurance Brokers; Daniel Bateup, Managing Director, Golf Business Australia
Description - The insurance market has been under considerable stress in recent times as a range of both local and global events have conspired to create extremely adverse conditions for insurers and those seeking insurance. Join us as we explain what’s happening, discuss what this means for golf clubs and detail the proactive measures clubs can take to minimise their exposure to the volatility of the insurance market.

JobKeeper 2.0 and the impact on clubs
Friday 9th October, 2020
Hosts - Mark Tomsic, Partner – Private Advisory from Grant Thornton, will be hosting a webinar to explain the eligibility criteria, the key differences between versions 1 & 2, the implications for golf clubs & facilities and answering your questions.
Description - Discussing the release of the JobKeeper 2.0 fact sheet, published by Grant Thornton. The JobKeeper 2.0 fact sheet can be found here.
From Grant Thornton: One of the attendees – Jenni – asked the first question around alternative tests for the 80 hour reference period. There are some alternative reference periods available for the 80 hour test. In Jenni’s case this may be where the default reference period is not representative of usual working hours, which could be due to things like unpaid personal leave. In this case you may be able to use an earlier reference period. The ATO provides more information here. Also important to note that the 80 hours includes: hours worked, hours on paid leave, hours paid for absence on a public holiday.

Marketing – Email Marketing and Database Management Essentials
Thursday 24th September, 2020
Hosts - GA Campaign & Data Manager, Monica Dinh and GA Digital & Marketing Senior Manager, Greg Oakford.
Description - This webinar is ideal for clubs currently using an email system or wanting to move to an email system to effectively develop email marketing campaigns to their members, staff and stakeholders. Expect to learn about the fundamentals of database management, designing email marketing communications, understanding analytics and how you can use the tool ‘Mailchimp’ to assist.
Additional Resource - Mailchimp tutorial for golf clubs, hosted by Monica Dinh.

Round Table Discussion – Where to for your club from here?
Thursday 10th September, 2020
Hosts - GMA’s CEO Paul Vardy, GA’s Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager Matt Chesterman
Description - Join a round table discussion of golf club managers and administrators from around the country to as we discuss strategies to help your club come out on the right side of the pandemic. The panel will discuss; long term changes to the playing of golf, reviewing club operations, and planning for the removal of the Jobkeeper stimulus package.

Marketing – How to produce and communicate with video
Thursday, 20th August, 2020
Hosts – GA Content Lead Justin Falconer and GA Digital & Marketing Senior Manager, Greg Oakford.
Description - If regular video communication is not already part of your club communications plan, now is the time to incorporate it. Video is a powerful way to engage with your current members and help you promote to potential members. On this GA webinar, discover how to produce your own club video content with ease. Whether you’re completely new to the world of producing video or whether you’re already doing it, this webinar will provide valuable insight and take-aways no matter where you are on your video journey.

Grant writing – Readying your club for a successful grant application
Wednesday, 1st July, 2020
Hosts – Shane Bowering & Rob Lillystone from Red Tape Busters
Description - Shane Bowering & Rob Lillystone from Red Tape Busters take you through the process of readying your club for a successful grant application. They will highlight the critical elements that make up all successful applications, whilst pointing out the common mistakes that cause clubs to miss out on much-needed government funding.

Club Communications – Create your own club podcast
Wednesday, 24th June, 2020
Hosts – Greg Oakford - Marketing & Digital Senior Manager with Golf Australia, Rob Loewenthal - Founder & CEO of Whooshkaa, Mark Hayes - Media Senior Manager with Golf Australia.
Description - Learn why and how to create your own club podcast. Podcast consumption is at all time high and sets itself apart from other communication mediums because it can be consumed on-demand and passively. Keep your golf club community informed and engaged with a podcast.

Understanding the importance of trust in golf club leadership and good governance
Thursday, 28th May, 2020
Host – Dr David Shilbury, Professor, Sport Management, and Director Deakin Sport Network, Deakin University Description - Trust is vital to collaborative governance and in the current climate its very much needed. This webinar explores the importance of trust for golf club managers, boards and members. It discusses trust networks, leadership skills, governance systems and the opportunities in modern governance presented by technology.
Relevant information

Marketing for membership renewal
Tuesday, 19th May, 2020
Host – Greg Oakford, Marketing & Digital Senior Manager with Golf Australia.
Description - Greg will guide you through the marketing tools developed by the Golf Australia marketing team. The tools are specifically designed for clubs to retain members during a club's renewal process. Greg will also touch on digital platforms to utilise and a range of tools to effectively manage club platforms.
Click here to download the digital marketing tools.

Finance – Cashflow survival strategies
Wednesday, 13th May, 2020
Host - Tanya Titman, Partner – Head of Strategic Development with BDO.
Description - Tanya will present on the importance of managing your clubs cashflow during these challenging economic times. You will gain an understanding of the importance of cashflow, and what levers you can pull to maximise your cash position. BDO is one of the world’s leading accountancy and advisory organisations. They have clients of all types and sizes, in every sector.
Click here to watch the Cashflow survival strategies Webinar
Course Maintenance – Essential practices for golf courses during COVID-19
Thursday, 7th May, 2020
Host – Steve Tuckett, Consulting Agronomist with the Australian Sports Turf Managers Association.
Description – The Australian Sports Turf Managers Association has been working directly with Golf Clubs during the COVID-19 crisis, helping clubs move into a pattern of reduced maintenance processes. With the opening of golf anticipated in Victoria, and other states planning moves back to normality, host Steve Tuckett will give advice on how to manage your course during uncertain times, advice to return your course back to full playing condition, as well as some general advice on how to best look after the course heading into winter.

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