Sport Integrity Australia – National Integrity Framework
What is the National Integrity Framework?
The National Integrity Framework takes a proactive approach to mitigate integrity threats to sports and provide a safe, fair and healthy environment for participants at all levels of sport. Golf Australia has adopted the National Integrity Framework, and these policies and procedures have been approved by Sport Integrity Australia.
The Framework is a streamlined suite of policies that sets out the broad expectations for the conduct of those within our sport. These expectations relate to safeguarding children, member protection, competition manipulation and sports wagering, and the misuse of drugs and medicines.
The Framework also includes the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy. This policy outlines the procedures for managing, reporting, assessing and determining potential breaches of the integrity policies contained in the Framework.
For further information, please contact our NSO Integrity & Complaints Manager at [email protected].
Files to download (PDF):
Sport Integrity Australia – Anti-Doping Policy
Golf Australia has adopted Sport Integrity Australia’s Australian National Anti-Doping Policy for sport, effective 1 January 2021:
Anti-doping rules apply to all participants of our sport from elite down to grassroots. All members must be aware of, and have a basic understanding of their obligations in regards to anti-doping. The Sport Integrity Australia website has a range of information and resources to assist, including:
Information about supplements
Applying for a Therapeutic Use Exemption
Submitting Whereabouts information
Information about athlete testing.
Prohibited list of substances and methods
The Prohibited List outlines the substances and methods that are prohibited in sport. It is updated annually by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Remember that individual products or brands are not named on the Prohibited List. Athletes should check the status of all medications before they use them on GlobalDRO.
Sport Integrity Australia eLearning offers a number of online courses relating to sport integrity, including doping, match fixing, illicit drugs and ethical decision making courses. Specific anti-doping courses are also available for coaches, support persons, medical practitioners and parents.
Sport Integrity App
The Sport Integrity app is a one-stop shop for all sport integrity needs, designed with athletes in mind.
The app allows users to check whether their medications are banned in sport, find low risk supplements to reduce their change of testing positive accidentally, and check whether they need a Therapeutic Use Exemption. The app is also a tool to raise concerns about things like doping, match-fixing, harassment or illicit drug use. It also features further information on eLearning modules, whereabouts and testing information and gives users the opportunity to provide feedback to Sport Integrity Australia.
The app is free and can be downloaded from the Apple and Android app stores.
Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure
The current version of the GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure for National Championships came into effect on 1 February 2018. This version replaces all previous versions.
The GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure applies to all participants in events conducted under the auspices of Golf Australia. A ‘participant’ in a GA Event is someone who has engaged with that Event as any of the following: a competitor, a caddie (as defined in the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Limited), a family member or friend or supporter or associate of a competitor or caddie, a non-playing captain or manager, a team official or support official, a spectator, a person who comments digitally or otherwise in a public domain on an Event or on another Participant of an Event, and anyone else considered by GA at its absolute discretion to be a Participant.
Click here to view the Condensed Version of the GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure (the Condensed Version will serve as a useful summary of the Complete Version).
Click here to view the Complete Version of the GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure (the Complete Version contains the full technical detail of the Code and the Disciplinary Procedure).
Please direct any queries to Golf Australia at [email protected].
Disability Policy
Golf Australia has adopted a policy to help ensure the game is inclusive of people with a disability. Click here to view the Golf Australia Disability Policy
Gender Policy
Click here to download below to view the Gender Policy with respect to participation in all GA National Championships and the issuing of Australian Handicaps
Hot Weather Guidelines
The Golf Australia Hot Weather Guidelines have been adapted from Sports Medicine Australia policies and guidelines regarding the prevention of heat illness in sport in children and adults.
It should be noted that these are purely guidelines.
They should be considered not just for competitors, but also for caddies, officials and volunteers involved in the game.
Click here for the Golf Australia Hot Weather Policy
Motorised Transport
Please refer to the Terms of Competition for the selected event at to view the relevant motorised transport policy.
Smoking and Alcohol Policy
Click here to view the policy on smoking and alcohol consumption at GA events.
National Program & Team Selection Policy
Click here to download document to view the Golf Australia National Program & Team Selection Policy.
Paris Olympics Nomination Criteria
Click here to download the golf nomination criteria for competition at the Paris Olympics.
Click here for the Olympic Team Nomination and Selection By-Law
Privacy Policy
Click here to download the document below to view the Golf Australia Privacy Policy
Social Media Policy
Click here to download below to view the Golf Australia Social Media Policy
High Performance Program Education Policy
Click here to download the Golf Australia High Performance Program Education Policy.