14 Apr 2022 | Women and girls |

MyGolf Girls going gangbusters at 13th Beach

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13th Beach MyGolf Girls participant Sophie Johnston met her idol Hannah Green at the Vic Open earlier this year.
13th Beach MyGolf Girls participant Sophie Johnston met her idol Hannah Green at the Vic Open earlier this year.

By Alexander Dabb

The Bellarine Peninsula's 13th Beach Golf Links is helping girl golfers have fun through the MyGolf Girls program.

The program, which involves girls aged between 6 and 15, is overseen by PGA Professional Anthony Bergin, who says that the programs “encourage a feeling of belonging at our club.

“The members love seeing future golfers around the club and are often seen admiring some of the great swings and fun had by the children.”

13th Beach, host of the Vic Open, ran a clinic at the event involving players, where participants such as Sophie Johnston were able to meet some of Australia’s top women golfers, including Hannah Green.

Like many of the participants, Sophie has embraced the program and the chance to interact with girls who have a similar interest in the sport.

“It has given me the opportunity to meet other girls who love golf and improves my skills,” she said.

Bergin, involved with the MyGolf programs since 2018, has seen a remarkable rise in participation amongst girls in the programs, with “over 20 girls who are in programs and others on the waiting list who we try to slip into programs when we can.”

These numbers, according to Bergin, can be attributed to the environment that the MyGolf Girls program creates.

“The girls only program gives each participant the feeling of being involved in an all-inclusive environment. I have seen firsthand how comfortable the girls feel in an all-girl environment, which then leads to long term friendships and bonding in golf and beyond," he said.

“MyGolf Girls creates self-confidence, belonging, enjoyment and skill learning that will encourage more girls to participate in our great sport.”

13th Beach is hoping to continue to help as many girls as possible get as excited about golf as Sophie is about the MyGolf Girls sessions.

“I look forward to them every Sunday!” she said.

April is MyGolf Girls Month where Golf Australia promotes girls participation within golf to raise awareness so others can catch the golfing bug via the MyGolf Girls program.

Find out more about MyGolf here.

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