05 May 2020 | Clubs and Facilities |

Marketing toolkit for clubs launched

by Golf Australia

This page features a marketing tool kit that we are extending to your club and facility with the intention that it will provide assistance as you seek to retain membership. Public facing components are unbranded and designed to be received by your membership as if it had been created by your club or facility.



  • Marketing for membership renewal

    • Host - Greg Oakford, Marketing & Digital Senior Manager with Golf Australia.

    • Description - Greg will guide you through the marketing tools developed by the Golf Australia marketing team that feature on this page. The tools are specifically designed for clubs to retain members during a club's renewal process. Greg will also touch on digital platforms to utilise and a range of tools to effectively manage club platforms.

    • Watch recording of webinar

  • How to communicate with video

    • Host - Justin Falconer, GA Digital Content Lead

    • Description - Join for a look at how basic production of video content can be a great communication tool for you and your club.

    • Watch recording of webinar

  • Where to from here for your club?

    • Hosts - GMA’s CEO Paul Vardy, GA’s Clubs & Facilities Support Senior Manager Matt Chesterman

    • Description - Join a round table discussion of golf club managers and administrators from around the country to as we discuss strategies to help your club come out on the right side of the pandemic. The panel will discuss; long term changes to the playing of golf, reviewing club operations, and planning for the removal of the Jobkeeper stimulus package.

    • Watch recording of webinar

'Support your club and renew today'

  • We have created a video for Australian golf clubs to use on their website, social media channels and in their email communications. The video features golf club members from across Australia asking fellow golfers to keep supporting their golf clubs through this time.

    • Watch or share the video on YouTube (or view below)

    • Watch or share the video via Facebook

    • Watch or repost the video on Instagram

    • Watch or retweet the video on Twitter

  • TIP: Video is a powerful tool to deliver information to your membership. Create a video for members to honestly explain the predicament their club faces.

  • TIP: Create a fun video asking your members to renew and support their club.

Posters, email signatures and social media graphics

We have created a suite of 'quote cards' for clubs to use with their digital assets or on notice boards. The quote cards have been cut to a range of sizes specific for A4 posters, email signatures, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram usage. They feature the following quotes:

  • Golf clubs. More than just a round of golf

  • Support your club, pay your subs

  • Your golf club always tries to support its golfers. Right now, we need your support

  • Our golf club exists for its members. Pledge your ongoing support and renew

  • Please help your club and renew your membership

Click here to view all of the files in Dropbox and download as many as you like.

Quote card
Email signature

EDM (Email)

  • TOOL: Mailchimp is the world's most commonly used - and importantly free - online tool to send email communications.

  • TIP: Honesty is the best policy. Be upfront with your members through this difficult time about what their membership renewal means in financial terms.

    • View an example of a recent communication sent to members by an Australian golf club

  • TIP: Don't put all of the information in your EDM, have a click back to your website to read more. This brings people to your site where you can deliver them other important content that they won't otherwise see.

Communications planner

  • TOOL: How often have you heard "failing to plan is planning to fail"? Regular communications for your club members, stakeholders and broader community is an important way to stay engaged and relevant. We have created a template that will help you plan and manage your communications via EDM, website and social media in an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet.

Communications planner


  • TOOL: Exit interviews with departing members are important because they offer a deeper insight into the reasons behind a decision to leave, thus allowing a club to pivot with its member retention strategy.

  • TOOL: Engagement surveys are crucial because they give members a venue for open feedback, thus allowing a club to recognise themes and nip problems in the bud before they become too large.

    • Click here to download an engagement survey template


  • TIP: Link your EDMs back to your website to read the full content. This brings people to your site where you can deliver them other important content that they wouldn't have otherwise seen.

  • TIP: If your club does not have a website, Golf Australia can help. For more information, please contact Matt Chesterman, Senior Manager – Clubs and Facilities Support, directly on clubsupport@golf.org.au or 0401 968 557.

Social media

  • TIP: Amplify any positive external coverage received by the club by liking, sharing and commenting on the posts you see from others.

  • TOOL: Facebook is a popular free social networking website / app that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with others.

    • Click here to watch an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to set up a Facebook page for your golf club

  • TOOL: Twitter is an online news and social networking site on which people communicate in short messages called tweets.

    • Click here to watch an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to set up a Twitter account for your golf club

  • TOOL: Instagram is a free social networking service built around sharing photos and videos.

    • Click here to watch an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to set up an Instagram channel for your golf club

If you need help understanding or activating any of the above, please contact Matt Chesterman, Senior Manager – Clubs and Facilities Support, directly on clubsupport@golf.org.au or 0401 968 557.

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